Robin Gianis
Robin Gianis
Born 1964, USA
“I live art through my life and try to keep it in my everyday routines. The way I live and work every day, artmaking is always going on around me. It is an endless process, a way of life, and a progression towards something that never ends. Creating through my life is the process that inspires me every day.”
Robin Gianis, Floribunda !, 2021, wire, wire mesh, paper towels, pva glue, LED lights, 27 x 26 x 6". Courtesy of the artist.
Robin Gianis, Floribunda II, 2021, wire, wire mesh, paper towels, pva glue, LED lights, 18 x 18 x 5". Courtesy of the artist.
Robin Gianis, Tried and True, 2022, glazed ceramic, various dimensions, 6 x 6 x 3.5". Courtesy of the artist.